
Outlast Christmas Giveaway

December 28, 2014 1345

Another round of keys for Red Barrels action adventure game Outlast is here for you to grab. As always follow the rules below and don't miss your chance to win a game for yourself.


15x Outlast Keys


STEP 1Register on Gamersbook or Login with Facebook 

STEP 2 - Follow us on Twitter (GAMERSBOOK & Red Barrels) join our Steam Group (GAMERSBOOK) and invite your buddies to the mentioned pages.

Follow us on Steam Curators - >>GAMERSBOOK<<


STEP 3 - What was your scariest experience in horror games so far ?


Monday, Deceber 29th - 2x Outlast Keys

Friday, January 2nd - 2x Outlast Keys

Monday, January 5th - 2x Outlast Keys

Friday, January 9th - 2x Outlast Keys

Monday, January 12th - 2x Outlast Keys

Friday, January 16th - 2x Outlast Keys

Monday, January 19th - 3x Outlast Keys


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Nero | Sunday, December 28, 2014 11:33 PM
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Oleksandr Petrenko
Oleksandr Petrenko | Sunday, December 28, 2014 11:14 PM
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Alexander Diec
Alexander Diec | Sunday, December 28, 2014 10:50 PM
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Simeon Penev
Simeon Penev | Sunday, December 28, 2014 10:22 PM
Last light.

Remember that small room you could enter, the one at the part where you had to push a train with your car?

That room. Is .. Horrifying.

You enter it and the light bulb explodes, you hear faint crying and wimpering and you begin to see human shapes in the corners of your eye but if you try to look at them they disapear, they begin wispering russian words into your ears, things like "help us" and "save us" while Artyoms begins to shake.

Bottles break, lamps fall over, the shapes take a coulor of red and black and begin to wisper louder and louder untill they stop and just fades away from your sight.

Thank you Red Barrels and Gamersbook for this giveaway! Wish you happy holidays! :)
Panzerbandit | Sunday, December 28, 2014 10:15 PM
What was your scariest experience in horror games so far ? F.E.A.R
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