Articles with tag 'Riot Games'

New League of Legends Cinematic Is Epic

New League of Legends Cinematic Is Epic

July 22, 2014
Riot has released an epic new cinematic for League of Legends. The video is over six minutes long and pretty much speaks for itself. If you are a Leag...
League of Legends Summoner's Rift Preview

League of Legends Summoner's Rift Preview

June 24, 2014
The developers of Riot Games have just released a five minutes long preview video of the updated version of League of Legends' Summoner's Rift. Accord...
Riot Paying New Employees To Quit

Riot Paying New Employees To Quit

June 20, 2014
Riot's new program called Queue Dodge encourages the company's new employees to quit. The program offers new employees 10% of their annual salary if t...
Riot Games Show off New Summoner's Rift

Riot Games Show off New Summoner's Rift

June 18, 2014
Summoner's Rift from League of Legends is getting a substantial update sometime in the near future. To prepare gamers for the upcoming changes Riot ha...
Cinematic League of Legends Montage

Cinematic League of Legends Montage

May 07, 2014
The collaboration between ThePeacePigeon, and Finfy Chan You Tube channels brings us a cool new League of Legends cinematic montage. The montage was m...
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