Articles with tag 'Overwatch'

New Overwatch trailers reveal Soldier: 76

New Overwatch trailers reveal Soldier: 76

July 07, 2015
Blizzard has released a couple of videos showcasing Soldier: 76, the latest character from their upcoming multiplayer shooter Overwatch. Soldier: 76 i...
Overwatch Hanzo gameplay video preview

Overwatch Hanzo gameplay video preview

May 22, 2015
Blizzard has released another gameplay video for their upcoming multiplayer shooter Overwatch. This one focuses on the assassin Hanzo whose preferred ...
Overwatch Character Art

Overwatch Character Art

November 17, 2014 1
Blizzard has released a new batch of artworks showing off characters from its recently revealed multiplayer shooter Overwatch. Check them all out in t...
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