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Nioh PC launch trailer

Nioh PC launch trailer

November 02, 2017
Ready to die? Experience the newest brutal action game from Team NINJA and Koei Tecmo Games. In the age of samurai, a lone traveler lands on the shore...
The Surge: A Walk in the Park DLC announced

The Surge: A Walk in the Park DLC announced

October 31, 2017
Our hardcore action RPG The Surge is set to be enriched even further with the release of a major new expansion: A Walk in the Park, coming early Decem...
Spelunky 2 announcement trailer

Spelunky 2 announcement trailer

October 31, 2017
The sequel to the critically-acclaimed roguelike platformer Spelunky is in development and coming to PS4 and Steam! In Spelunky 2, the story deepens a...
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