Riot Games Make League of Legends Music Free to Download

January 29, 2015
In case you want to keep that LoL vibe even when you're not playing, here's something that might help: Music of League of Legends Volume 1 is now available to download for free via the game's official site. It consists of 15 "new and classic" MP3 tracks from the game encoded at 320 kbps, and weighing about 130 MB. Riot didn't say for how long the songs will be up for grabs, so be sure to get them while they're free, as they're also up for sale on places like iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, which implies that the free offer won't last long.

In addition, Riot has also released Frequencies, a 45 minute long documentary detailing the creative process of making music for League of Legends. You can watch it in full below.


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