League of Legends Oceania Pro League Starting Today

February 05, 2015
Riot has announced the first League of Legends eSports league for Oceania. Titled Oceanic Pro League(OPL), the competition will last for seven weeks, and will feature 8 teams. The top five teams will remain in the league, while the bottom three teams will be relegated.

The first matches are starting today at 6pm AEDT, and will feature Legacy, Chiefs, 4Not and Sudden Fear. You can check out the official stream on this link.

Round 01: Thursday, February 5
6:00PM – Chiefs vs Legacy
7:00PM – 4Not vs Legacy
8:00PM – Chiefs vs Sudden Fear
9:00PM – Sudden Fear vs 4Not

Round 02: Monday, February 9
6:00PM – Avant Garde vs Dire Wolves
7:00PM – Rich Gang vs Avant Garde
8:00PM – Dire Wolves vs Team Immunity

9:00PM – Team Immunity vs Rich Gang

“Our ultimate goal is to see an Oceanic team win at Worlds,” said Riot Games Oceania eSports co-ordinator Ben de Rider. “We’re not on the same level as some of the larger regions yet, but you should never underestimate a bunch of Aussies and Kiwis.”

The OPL Split 1 champions will travel to Turkey to represent Oceania in the International Wildcard Invitational, while the champion of Split 2, running from May to August, will represent Oceania in the Wildcard Qualifier for a place at the World Championships.


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