Microsoft Adding League of Legends to Windows 10 App Store

March 18, 2015 3
League of Legends will be available via Windows 10's app store, announced Microsoft and LoL publisher Tencent. The two companies have also reached a deal to distribute Tencent's other games like Cross Fire and Dungeon & Fighter through the Windows marketplace.

This means that the Windows app store will see a large influx of gamers once Windows 10 launches this summer, as Riot Games say that 67 million people play League of Legends each month.  


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Crosapia | Thursday, March 26, 2015 8:05 PM
Wow, i didnt know that 67 million people play League of Legends, thats alot
im happy that lol will be playable in windows 10 :D, sry for bad eng, its not my first language

DavidIndeed Rot
DavidIndeed Rot | Thursday, March 19, 2015 6:21 PM
Yeah 23 millions got a temp two weeks ban from the bot system :v
Batuhan Denizli
Batuhan Denizli | Thursday, March 19, 2015 3:50 PM
wasn't it 90 millions recently?