Next Hitman Game Gets First Concept Art

May 28, 2014
The latest update on the official Hitman blog brings the first bit of artwork for the next Hitman game. The impressively-sized building shown in the concept art is the setting for one of the missions in the game.

"This location is set in Central Europe and you’ll be able to explore the entire building you see in the image, inside and out," said the developers.

"For a sense of scale, the building on its own is larger than any location in Hitman Absolution."


However, it seems that this is all we'll see from Hitman for a while. According to the same post, the game is not likely to appear at E3 this year.

"we’ve seen a lot of people talking about what we might be bringing to E3 this year. We know the worst thing is to hope for something that doesn’t turn up; so we wanted to let you know that our next Hitman is going to be under wraps for a bit longer. We’re focusing all of our time and efforts into creating the best possible Hitman game. That’s our number one priority and we don’t want to divert valuable resources to show something before it’s ready."

In an open letter to fans published earlier this year, the developers promised to return to a gameplay style similar to earlier Hitman games and correct the issues that many gamers criticize Hitman: Absolution for.

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